More condemnation of Turkish attacks from North East Syria

The Cizre Region Local Government and Municipalities Committee protested the political genocide carried out by the Turkish state.

The Cizre Region Local Government and Municipalities Committee condemned the Turkish state's seizure of HDP-run municipalities in Bakur (North) Kurdistan and the political genocide targeting the HDP in a press conference.

The members of the Qamishlo Canton Municipalities Committee and the Qamishlo Municipality attended the action in front of the People's Municipality of Qamishlo Canton.

Local Government and Municipalities Committee co-chair Sileman Ereb: "The Turkish state as occupied Afrin, Girê Spî, Serêkaniyê and is attacking the democratic forces in the entire region as well as in Turkey. What the Turkish state is doing is against all democratic values. The AKP-MHP government is usurping the will of the people by appointing trustees to municipalities run by the HDP as the people democratically demanded and voted.” The statement condemned the arrest of 82 HDP politicians.

"In Bakur Kurdistan, only 6 of 59 HDP municipalities won by the HDP, remain in the hands of the party, while the others, including Amed, Mardin and Van metropolitan municipalities have been seized by the government.”

The Cizre Region Local Government and Municipalities Committee conveyed its “support to the people's municipalities and the politicians and elected representatives in prison. We call on human rights organizations, democracy movements and the United Nations to speak out against the AKP-MHP chauvinism and to end these policies."