Salih Muslim: Turkey attacks North-East Syria to sabotage the elections

Defining Turkey’s increasingly ongoing attacks as an attempt to sabotage the elections, Salih Muslim said: “Our people will go to the polls without taking a step back and elect their representatives with their will.”


Following the announcement that local government elections would be held in the Democratic Autonomous Administration Region of North and East Syria, the threats and attacks of the occupying Turkish state against the region have escalated and continue uninterruptedly. On 31 May (yesterday), 4 fighters of the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) were martyred as a result of the attacks against the region, while 11 civilians, including women and children, were injured.

Democratic Union Party (PYD) Co-Chair Salih Muslim spoke to ANF about the Turkish state's attacks on the region before the 11 June local elections.

‘A local election based on the principles of democracy’

Commenting on the elections to take place in North and East Syria, Salih Muslim said, ‘The elections will be held in order to further strengthen the service work for the people. Until now, there have been some problems. It will be a democratic election in which the people living in the region will participate. There will be no appointment, it will be a local election based on the principles of democracy. The elections to be held have nothing to do with anyone, and it is not right to draw attention to other points. The forces that do not embrace democracy, especially the Turkish state and the Syrian regime, do not want the people to choose their own will, to govern themselves and to strengthen their service activities. This will be the first time such an election will be held in North and East Syria. Therefore, there are some disturbances. The elections will take place in a democratic and transparent environment. In addition, the requirements of the Social Contract are being implemented. Therefore, no group has the right to say anything about the elections. Our people will gladly go to the polls.”

‘North and East Syria to hold elections according to its own conditions’

Drawing attention to the statements of the Deputy Spokesperson of the US Secretary of State, Salih Muslim continued: “In the statement, it is said that according to UN Resolution 2254, such opportunities do not exist in North and East Syria. With this, they draw attention to the political solution. Why did they make such a statement? They did it because it is on the agenda of the Turkish state and because they distort the subject. There is a tense atmosphere in all Middle Eastern countries. It is not clear what Turkey will do. For days, Turkey has been trying to sell the narrative that the US is behind the elections. The US may have made such a statement after Turkey's reactions. It is a diplomatic discourse and aimed at not provoking Turkey. North and East Syria is going to hold elections according to its own conditions. Such an election is taking place without anyone's support or consultation.”

‘Turkey’s level of intolerance has increased’

Referring to the attacks of the occupying Turkish state that followed the US statement, Salih Muslim said, “The Turkish state has been against these elections from the beginning. It is against the will of the people and democracy. It is doing its best to prevent the will, democracy, justice, equality and fraternity of peoples in North and East Syria. Whenever a step is taken towards democracy in the region, it definitely opposes it. I think the attacks have nothing to do with the US statement. There is an aggression that has been going on for years. Especially with the realisation of the Social Contract, the level of intolerance has increased.”

‘Our people will go to the polls without taking a step back’

Remarking that the Turkish state is attacking North-East Syria to sabotage the elections and prevent the people from going to the polls by intimidating them, Salih Muslim concluded: “The Turkish state will do its best to prevent the elections from taking place. It is experiencing a tremendous intolerance against the elections. But the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria will definitely realise these elections. Our people will go to the polls without taking a step back and elect their representatives with their will.”