Second day of International Education Conference takes place at Kobanê University

The second day of the International Education Conference held at Kobanê University will take place today.

The First International Education Conference held at Kobanê University under the title “Educational Transformations in the Age of Technology: Vision and Implementation” started on Saturday. The conference was attended by administrators and academics from universities in Northern and Eastern Syria and executives of the various institutions of the Autonomous Administration.

The message sent by the General Commander of the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) Mazlum Abdi, was broadcast. Then, Kobanê University Science Committee member Mihemed El Berho explained the objectives of the conference.

The main topics discussed at the conference were educational technology and digital transformation, educational problems and solutions in educational institutions, development of life and professional skills, and research and innovation in education.

Sherq University Faculty member pedagogue Dr. Ela Eyaş evaluated the impact of technology on the education process.

Social movement teacher and researcher Raul Zibeki and philologist Luqman Guldivê, who attended the conference via the internet, talked about the countries’ new concepts in education and educational experiences. Pedagogy teacher Dr. Feton Qitênî and Pedagogy postgraduate teacher Hena Şêx Mihemed gave a seminar titled “Providing students with scientific skills in universities in North and East Syria.”

The conference continues today.