Soxaneke villagers: Our homes are directly targeted in attacks
The invading Turkish army and their allied gangs have bombed the Sherawa district heavily. The Soxaneke villagers in the region said their homes were directly targeted in the bombings.
The invading Turkish army and their allied gangs have bombed the Sherawa district heavily. The Soxaneke villagers in the region said their homes were directly targeted in the bombings.
The invading Turkish army and their allied gangs fired artilleries into the Soxaneke village in Afrin’s Sherawa district on Friday morning. The Turkish army and their gangs fired over 130 shells into the village where one baby and three other civilians were injured.
Villagers spoke about the bombing and said their homes were directly targeted. The injured baby’s mother Suzan Eliko said a shell fell on her home and caved the roof in: “What sins did this baby have? After the shell hit, my baby was quiet. We thought maybe he was dead. He was in shock for over an hour. He spat up blood. After the bombing stopped we had him treated at the medical center.”
A villager named Remzi Berekat said Turkish President Erdogan abuses Islam and his celebration of Eid holiday was to fire mortars into people’s homes.