Syrian Democratic Council: The future of Syria must be decided by the Syrian people

The Syrian Democratic Council issued a statement to mark the 5th anniversary of the occupation of Serekaniye and Gire Spi.

The Syrian Democratic Council (MSD) said in a statement about the fifth anniversary of the Turkish occupation of the cities of Serekaniye (Ras al-Ain) and Gire Spi (Tel Abyad), that "this occupation marked a dangerous turning point in the Syrian crisis, causing a severe humanitarian crisis and negative political and social repercussions."

The statement added: "The continued Turkish occupation of Syrian territory is a flagrant violation of international law and Syria's sovereignty. This occupation effectively exacerbates fragmentation and divisions in Syria, posing a major obstacle to achieving stability and peace.

The demographic changes and ongoing human rights violations in occupied areas threaten the cohesion of Syrian society. They undermine the possibility of achieving a comprehensive and lasting political solution in Syria. The MSD affirms that the future of Syria must be shaped by the Syrian people themselves rather than by external entities. Agreements that disregard the will of the Syrian people will not be legitimate or long-lasting."

The MSD said it believes that "Syrians should shape their own future, free from the influence of external powers," and called "on the international community to assume its responsibilities, end the Turkish occupation of Syrian territory, and work diligently to implement UN Security Council Resolution 2254. The full implementation of this resolution is the path to achieving a genuine political transition that guarantees peace, freedom, and dignity for all Syrians."

The MSD also urged "all Syrian parties to prioritize the national interest and work collaboratively to liberate our country from the Turkish occupation. Furthermore, we underscore establishing a united and democratic Syria that guarantees the rights of all sections without discrimination or exclusion. Moreover, we reaffirm our steadfast commitment to working towards a bright future for Syria, striving to realize a national vision that ensures the rights and dignity of all Syrians.

Given the current challenges, we believe that achieving genuine change in Syria requires making sustained efforts and cooperation among all national actors. Therefore, we call on all Syrian political and societal powers to engage in constructive dialogue and work together towards a political solution. The aim is to meet the aspirations of the Syrian people and preserve Syria's unity and sovereignty. We reiterate our unwavering solidarity with the people of the occupied regions. We are committed to utilizing all available means to end the Turkish occupation and ensure the dignified and safe return of the displaced people to their homes."