Tent protest in Shehba to demand freedom of Leader Abdullah Öcalan

Citizens who participated in the tent protest launched in the town of Ehdas in Afrin-Shehba Canton promised to expand the struggle to ensure the freedom of Leader Abdullah Öcalan.

The tent protest to call for the physical freedom of Abdullah Öcalan organized by Kongra Star and Afrin-Shehba Canton Martyrs' Families Council Women's Council will end today. The tent protest was held in the 4 Nisan Park in the town of Ehdas in Afrin-Shehba Canton.

On the second day of the action, a seminar on "culture and morality" was given by Hîlala Zêrîn Movement executive Şêrîn Reşîd.

Board and parliament representatives, political parties and citizens from the city of Til Rifet, Berxwedan Camp and Serdem Camp participated in the action.

Participants first listened to Leader Abdullah Öcalan's speeches on criticism and self-criticism.

Then Şêrîn Reşîd talked about Leader Abdullah Öcalan's thoughts and culture.

Participants emphasized that the level of struggle should be increased and the martyrs should be followed until Leader Abdullah Öcalan's physical freedom is achieved.