Turkish-backed gangs clash: 26 dead

The SOHR announced that there are many casualties in clashes between the “National Liberation Front” and Hayat Tahrir Al-Sham gangs.

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) issued a statement on the clashes between the Turkish state backed “National Liberation Front” and the Hayat Tahrir Al-Sham gangs.

The statement said the HTS has taken control of the Darat Izza town in Aleppo and the roads and checkpoints leading there.

The clashes intensified after Nureddin Zenki gangs killed 5 HTS members in the Tilade region.

The SOHR announced that in clashes on the first day of 2019, at least 14 HTS members and 12  “National Liberation Front” members have been killed and 10 Nureddin Zenki and “National Liberation Front” members have been taken prisoner.

5 civilians, including 2 children, lost their lives in the clashes.


Meanwhile, Syrian regime forces have been shooting artilleries into the Al-Arbin village to the north of Hama, Al Biwidiye village and the Hasriya region, some parts of the Jisat village and the Al-Saxir village and Al-Latamna town.