Turkish-backed group cuts down 80 olive trees in occupied Afrin

Inhumane crimes and ecocide continue in Afrin, which has been occupied by the Turkish state and its mercenaries since 2018.

Jihadist mercenary groups under Turkish control continue their crimes against nature in the occupied Afrin canton in northern Syria.

According to reports from the ground, the Turkish-backed al-Hamza mercenary group cut down 80 olive trees in an area located between the Jindires district and the village of Tilif.

The felled trees belonged to a local named Mihemed Teter, from the village of Gewrika in Jindires.

The Turkish state and its mercenaries, which occupied Afrin in March 2018, have turned the city into a hotbed of crimes, continuing to commit crimes including theft, kidnapping, rape, massacre, demographic change and destruction of nature in an attempt to displace the people of the region.

Hundreds of people have been murdered and hundreds of thousands of others have been displaced in Afrin since it was occupied in violation of international law. Nearly 500 thousand foreigners and families of mercenaries have been settled in the city in their place.