Women from Afrin call for action from international community

Protesting the inhumane acts of the Turkish state and allied jihadist gangs in Afrin, women from the city -who are now staying in Shehba- called on the international community to not remain silent.

Women from Afrin who have settled in the Berxwedan Camp built in Shehba after the displacement of Afrin population due to the invasion of the Turkish state and mercenaries made a press statement in protest at the inhumane acts of the Turkish state and allied jihadist gangs in the city.

Speaking here, Emîna Mele Hesen called on the international community and law organizations to fulfill their responsibilities.

Recalling that the Turkish state forces are perpetrating inhumane acts and practices such as harassment, rape, murder and looting against the people of Afrin who are giving a struggle for a free and honorable life, Emîna said; “We call on human conscience to not remain silent in the face of these happenings. The Turkish state has forcibly displaced the people of Afrin from their homes and lands in the wake of all-out attacks based on technical superiority. The Turkish state has occupied our living areas, carried out barbaric attacks against the peoples and started to employ policies to change the demography of the region.”