‘Turkey must be reported to the UN and prosecuted for using chemical weapons’

Human rights activists demand that Turkey, which has come to the fore with its use of chemical weapons, be reported to the UN and tried before international courts.

Turkey's operation against the Federal Kurdistan Region, which began on April 23, has recently risen to the top of the discussion, with the deployment of chemical weapons, which is regarded as a crime against humanity around the world. The severe bombardments carried out by the Turkish army endanger the lives of the inhabitants in the region. According to information received, 548 people in the Behdinan region, particularly in Kanimasi and its environs, sought treatment in the last month for complaints such as excessive redness of the eyes, blurred vision, sudden headaches, nosebleeds, difficulty breathing, redness on the skin, and small swellings. In a statement, the People's Defense Forces (HPG) also stated that the Turkish army has used chemical-banned weapons at least 157 times recently.


Mihemed Sabah, Director of Human Rights Watch in the Kurdistan Region, told Rojnews that using chemicals is against the law of war and violates human rights norms that protect civilians from chemical weapons. Sabah stressed that Turkey's use of chemical weapons should be investigated and prosecuted in international courts.


Sabir Abdulrehan, a human rights lawyer, drew attention to Turkey's deadly attacks, saying, "We can see that Turkey continues to employ banned chemical weapons in its attacks on the Kurdistan Region. The Turkish state is employing every means possible to oppress the Kurdish people just as they did everything they could to prevent the resistance in Dersim."

Emphasizing that Turkey must be reported to the United Nations for using chemical weapons, Abdulrehan said, “The United Nations should exert pressure on Turkey. The administration of the Kurdistan Region is also unconcerned with Turkey's actions. There must be a severe reaction against Turkey, and people must take to the streets to put a halt to the bombings."