Komenege Cooperative opens its first market in Sweden
Komenege Production and Sharing Cooperative opened its first market in Sweden.
Komenege Production and Sharing Cooperative opened its first market in Sweden.
The Komenege Production and Sharing Cooperative, which was established in 2017 by Kurdish citizens living in Sweden, opened its first market in Gävle, Sweden.
In addition to the cooperative managers and members, Kurdish residents in the city attended the opening of the market which has been called "Livsa me".
Hasan Bozlak, chairman cooperative and Battal Batte, from the Board of Directors, cut the red ribbon officially opening the market.
We are ready to open markets in other cities
Speaking at the opening, Bozlak said that the market is the product of a 2-year work and that they will open new markets with the same concept in other cities. Noting that the Kurdish citizens living in Sweden have achieved a first in the field of trade, Bozlak thanked the members of the cooperative.
After the opening, tea, coffee, cake and baklava were offered to the people. The local newspaper Gefle Dagblad published a news about the opening of the market together with interviews with some of the cooperative directors and Kurdish members.
Established in January 2017 in Västerås, Sweden, the Komenege Production and Sharing Cooperative aims at opening a Swedish chain of markets and establishing a financial institution that will provide loans to its members with favorable conditions.
The cooperative underlines that in its charter, capitalist modernity will be based on production-sharing and a society-oriented nature-friendly lifestyle instead of consumers and individual-oriented lifestyle.