Turkish authorities remain silent on soldier whose body remains in the hands of HPG

Turkey’s Ministry of Defence has not made a statement about soldier Naci Kaygısız, who lost his life in an armed conflict in the Zap region and whose body is reported to be in the hands of the HPG.

The HPG (People’s Defense Forces) Press Office reported the death of more soldiers in a statement published by ANF on July 7 concerning the ongoing Turkish invasion campaign and guerrilla resistance in the Zap, Metina and Avaşîn regions guerrilla-held Medya Defense Zones in southern Kurdistan (northern Iraq),

According to another HPG statement published on July 10, two of these soldiers were trying to advance towards the Girê Martyr Pîrdoxan battle position in the Girê Amediyê Resistance Area when they were struck by guerrillas and killed on July 7, and the body of one of them, Naci Kaygısız, remained in the hands of the guerrillas.

HPG stated that the soldier in question was determined to be Naci Kaygısız, who was a member of the Turkish special forces and whose death was hidden from the public.

“As we have shared with the public before, those who sent these soldiers to invade Kurdistan do not claim the bodies of their own soldiers. That's why we call on the family of the Turkish soldier named Naci Kaygısız and state that we can deliver the body of their son through civilians if they demand so. Kaygısız family can come to the Amiya district of Duhok province in South Kurdistan and contact us through the civilians in the region,” the HPG statement said.

The Turkish Ministry of Defence has not yet made a statement about Kaygisiz even though a week has passed since the armed conflict.