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Activists in Berlin celebrate tenth anniversary of Rojava Revolution
A big meeting was held in Berlin to mark the tenth anniversary of the Rojava Revolution. The highlight was provided by Mazlum Abdi, Commander-in-Chief of the Syrian Democratic Forces, with a live broadcast from Hesekê. -
Today the hashtag campaign to mark the 10th anniversary of the Rojava Revolution
Today at 8pm CEST the hashtag campaign to mark the 10th anniversary of the Rojava Revolution. -
Iraqi Minister says Turkey pledged to increase water flow
Iraqi Ministry of Water Resources said on Saturday that Turkey had pledged to increase its release of water downstream into Iraq. -
Turkish UCAV attack kills 5 in Tal Afar
A vehicle has been bombed by a Turkish UCAV in Tal Afar in northwestern Iraq. Five people were reported killed, including a woman. -
Celebrations in Hamburg and Nuremberg mark 10th anniversary of Rojava Revolution
Celebrations were held in Hamburg and Nuremberg to mark the 10th anniversary of the Rojava Revolution. -
ESP co-chair: There is need for popular uprising against poverty, unemployment and exploitation
ESP co-chair, Şahin Tümüklü, emphasized that a popular uprising against poverty, unemployment and exploitation should be organized and recalled the victory of the Rojava Revolution. -
Activists in Göttingen celebrate 10th anniversary of Rojava Revolution
The 10th anniversary of the Rojava Revolution was celebrated with an event held in Göttingen, Germany. -
Activists in Saarbrücken and Mantes-la-Jolie pay tribute to 14 July Martyrs
The 14 July Great Death Fast resistance fighters were commemorated with events held in Saarbrücken, Germany, and Mantes-la-Jolie, France. -
Hashtag campaign for a decade of Rojava revolution
To celebrate the 10th anniversary of the Rojava revolution, #RiseUp4Rojava is organising a hashtag campaign online. This is also intended to raise awareness of the danger of another Turkish invasion. -
Tenth anniversary of the Rojava revolution celebrated across Germany
In many places in Germany today, the tenth anniversary of the Rojava revolution is being celebrated, and SDF commander Mazlum Abdi will be speaking at a festival in Berlin on Sunday. Events have also been announced for the coming week. -
Banner demo for Jakob Riemer and Kevin Jochim in Hamburg
Internationalists Kevin Jochim (Dilsoz Bahar) and Jakob Riemer (Şiyar Gabar) who died in Kurdistan were remembered with a banner drop from a bridge in Hamburg. A joint commemoration will take place on Sunday. -
Iranian regime forces target and wound a young kolbar from Rojhilat
Iranian regime forces targeted another kolbar from Rojhilat. The young kolbar was seriously injured. -
YPS destroys three camera traps in Dersim
YPS Martyr Veroz Munzur Retaliation Team destroyed three camera traps used against guerrillas in Hozat district of Dersim. -
Jewish cemetery in Istanbul vandalised
Thirty-six gravestones have been vandalised at the Hasköy Jewish cemetery in Istanbul. The attack is an expression of the anti-Semitism rampant in Turkey. -
Shiite cleric Sadr calls for the removal of invaders from Iraq at mass Friday prayer in Baghdad
Tens of thousands of Iraqi people attended a mass Friday prayer called for by influential Shiite cleric Moqtada al-Sadr in Baghdad. “Parties that want to form the government must be determined to remove the invaders from the country.” -
HBDH: We hit enemy's logistics line in Amed
HBDH’s Osman Akgün Militia reported that the group targeted a "Turkish army logistics line" in the Hazro district of Amed (Diyarbakir) city. -
Turkey’s genocidal war against Kurds and Freedom for Öcalan on European Agenda programme
Former EMP Klute, former Ministers of Justice and Interior of Iceland and member of the International Peace Delegation to Imrali, Jónasson and member of Peace in Kurdistan, lawyer Melanie Gingell talked about Turkey's genocidal war. -
Limassol pays tribute to Martyrs of 14 July 1982 and HPG guerrillas who fell as martyrs in Zap
The martyrs of the 14 July 1982 Great Death Fast and the HPG guerrillas who fell as martyrs in Zap in the past months were commemorated with an event in Limassol. -
Turkish spy sentenced to suspended prison term in Germany
The Düsseldorf Higher Regional Court has sentenced a Turkish spy to one year and nine months in prison on probation. The man confessed to spying on Kurds in Germany. -
HDP’s Çimen: The Kurds aren’t a “security threat”
“Kurds are not part of any body with the power to decide whether NATO should be expanded, reduced, or dissolved. But Kurds do have the right to demand a clear commitment to international law, democracy, and freedom, which should also apply to the Kurds.” -
Turkish authorities remain silent on soldier whose body remains in the hands of HPG
Turkey’s Ministry of Defence has not made a statement about soldier Naci Kaygısız, who lost his life in an armed conflict in the Zap region and whose body is reported to be in the hands of the HPG. -
Kurds collect signatures in Villiers Le Bel to demand delisting of PKK
Kurds gathered signatures at the stand they set up in the Paris suburb of Villiers Le Bel to demand the removal of the PKK from the list of terrorist organisation. -
Signatures collected in Kiel to delist the PKK
Kurdish activists and their friends continue their individual and collective efforts as part of the worldwide campaign for the removal of the PKK from the list of terrorist organizations. -
3 candidates to run for prime minister in Iraq
Turki Cedan Etebi, a member of the State of Law Coalition, spoke about the discussions on the formation of a new government in Iraq and said that three candidates will compete to become the next prime minister of the country. -
Putin-Raisi-Erdogan summit to be held on the anniversary of the Rojava Revolution
The Kremlin announced that Vladimir Putin, Ebrahim Raisi and Recep Tayyip Erdogan will meet on July 19 at a summit on Syria.