Autonomous Administration condemns the change of demographic structure of Afrin

The Democratic Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria condemned the actions of the parties cooperating with the occupying Turkish state to change the demographic structure of Afrin.

The Qatar Red Crescent shared new information on digital media about the demographic changes in the Syrian regions occupied by the Turkish state and its mercenaries.

In its latest news shared on digital media, Qatar Red Crescent wrote that 13 colonial houses were built in the north of Syria in cooperation with the occupying Turkish state and claimed that these buildings were prepared for Syrian immigrants.

The Democratic Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria (DAANES) released a statement, saying: "Although 6 years have passed since the occupation of Afrin and the displacement of its people, human rights violations, demographic change and genocide continue thanks to the help of different institutions and organizations that support the policies of the occupying Turkish state towards Afrin and its people. With these resettlement policies, Turkey wants to strengthen terrorist mercenaries and their families."

The statement added: "Among these institutions, there are Kuwaiti institutions along with the Qatar Red Crescent, which has officially admitted that they support initiatives to change the demographic structure of Afrin. These immoral initiatives are also against the nature and accepted standards of the Red Crescent. Because the Red Crescent is a humanitarian institution and is concerned with aid work. The State of Qatar is responsible for this. Because what is done cannot be done without the official approval of the government."

The statement condemned "the actions of structures such as the Qatar Red Crescent and the institutions of the Kuwaiti state, which cooperate with the Turkish state in changing the demographic structure of Afrin. We call for immediate action by legal and humanitarian institutions and parties. We demand that investigation committees be established immediately regarding these violations in occupied Afrin and that the perpetrators be held accountable. International and legal parties should not allow humanitarian organizations such as the Qatar Red Crescent to participate in political projects.

We declare that we will work in every direction to open an international investigation and demand that the criminals who implement these immoral policies be held accountable, just as was done in occupied Afrin. Afrin is a part of Syria and what happens here threatens Syrian territory in general. In addition, the silence of the Damascus government, which constantly talks about the unity of Syria, in the face of what is happening, raises questions."