Manbij Military Council Commander laid to rest in Kobane

Manbij Military Council Commander Bozan Berkel, who died in Manbij yesterday, was laid to rest at the Şehit Dicle Cemetery of Martyrs in Kobanê.

Bozan Berkel, a commander of the Manbij Military Council (MMC), lost his life after the detonation of a bomb placed in his car in Manbij on 6 September.

Masses bid farewell to the MMC Commander at the Şehit Dicle Cemetery of Martyrs in Kobanê on Thursday. The funeral ceremony was attended by hundreds of people, including representatives of political parties and non-governmental organizations in the Euphrates Region of North-East Syria.

Speaking here, Sûad Şêx Demir, a member of the women’s movement Kongra Star Coordination, stated that the Turkish state attacked the people of North-East Syria to avenge the defeat of ISIS in Kobane in 2014.

Stressing that the invading Turkish state would not achieve its goal despite all its attacks on the region, Demir said: “The children of this people, who stand up against the invading Turkish state, have joined the SDF (Syrian Democratic Forces) to protect their country and people, and made all kinds of self-sacrifice.”

Manbij Military Council member Mihemed El Cadir spoke about the determination of martyr Bozan Berkel in the struggle and directed his words against the forces that target the security and stability of the region: “When one of us falls a martyr, hundreds take up arms and avenge their fallen comrade. Martyrdom only strengthens our commitment to victory and struggle.”

Speaking after, PYD (Democratic Union Party) member Salih Nûh said: “It is time to avenge our martyrs. Our forces have dealt strong blows to the forces that pose a danger to our region. The pains of our martyrs will not go for nothing.”

Nûh pointed out that the Turkish state sought to incite sedition among the peoples in the region, in response to which peoples stood united and frustrated the vicious policies directed against them.

Nezîfe Xilo, Co-Chair of the Democratic Civil Administration Assembly of Manbij, said: “Martyr Bozan is not a martyr of Kobane alone, but a martyr of the entire North-East Syria.”