Thousands of people have been displaced due to the indiscriminate attacks of the Turkish army and allied mercenaries seeking to invade North and East Syria ongoing since October 9.
According to the Social Services Bureau of the Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria, 478 civilians were martyred and 1,070 others wounded as a result of the attacks, while as many as 300,000 were displaced.

The Autonomous Administration has built the Washokani camp about twelve kilometers west of Heseke to provide shelter for the displaced people.

474 families from Serekaniye (Ras al-Ain) and Zirgan have been settled in the camp so far. With the arrival of the latest group, the population of the camp rose to 2,195.

720 of the refugees are made up of children aged between 1-17, while there are 49 elderly people aged above 60.

Of the IDPs settled in the camp, 196 suffer from paralysis, diabetes, high blood pressure and chest diseases. There are also two cancer patients, Fewzi Ehmed and Xezalê Cemîl Sino.

Those with health problems are provided treatment at the health cabinet set up by Heyva Sor a Kurd in the camp.
Heyva Sor a Kurd Health Coordinator Ciwan Seid says that they have received no support from international organisations so far.