Turkey attacks villages in Tirbespiyê, Kobanê and Şehba

The Turkish state, which has been continuing its attacks against North-East Syria for 5 days, is targeting Kobanê and Tirbespiyê tonight.

The invasion attacks by the Turkish state continue. The Turkish state bombed the villages of Til Şeyir, Çolbeg, Goran, Kultep, Çarxilî, Qeremox and Zormixar in the east of Kobanê.

In Tirbespiyê, which is located in the east of the Autonomous Region, Turkey bombed the areas where Assyrian villages are located. The villages under fire are Mehrkan, Xwêlte, Girkê Shamo.

Oil fields targeted

The Turkish state and its mercenaries attacked the oil field in the village of Mele Ebas in Tirbespiyê with artillery shells. Simultaneously, Turkish soldiers stationed on a hill on the Bakure Kurdistan border fired into the area where the bombing took place.

At this time, mortar shells were being fired in the area of ​​Tirbespiyê between Zorava and Şilhûmiye.

The invaders also bombed the village of Um Hoş in Shehba and the vicinity of the Shehba dam.