Latest News
Mayor of Grigny calls for solidarity with the Kurds against deadly Turkish attacks
Speaking at a protest in Grigny, a southern suburb of Paris, France, mayor Philippe Rio said, “The Turkish state is killing civilians, let's stand by the Kurdish people.” -
Iranian colonel was reportedly killed in an explosion near Damascus
An Iranian colonel was reportedly killed in an explosion near Damascus. -
GUE/NGL Co-President Schirdewan calls for arms embargo to be imposed on Turkey
Martin Schirdewan, MEP, Co-President GUE/NGL, said in his declaration that the European Parliament should call on Turkey to end the bombing of Kurdistan immediately and added that an arms embargo should be imposed. -
At least 416 people have been killed by security forces in ongoing protests in Iran and Rojhilat
At least 416 people, including 51 children and 27 women, have been killed by security forces in the ongoing nationwide protests. -
Esquerra Republicana condemns the Turkish bombings of Syrian and Iraqi Kurdistan
The Catalan party Esquerra Republicana condemned the Turkish bombings of Syrian and Iraqi Kurdistan. -
Activists in Europe protest Turkish attacks against Kurds and silence of international governments
Activists in various European cities protested governments and institutions which are partners in the Turkish attacks with their silence and weapons support. -
BMG: The only way to get rid of fascism is common struggle
The United Struggle Forces pointed out that the only way to get rid of fascism is the common struggle of all workers and the oppressed. -
MP Temim: Iraq should close all border gates to Turkey to prevent attacks
Iraqi MP Selah Temim said that the Iranian and Turkish attacks on the sovereignty of Iraq constitute a clear violation of international laws and suggested that all border gates to Turkey should be closed. -
International voices against the Erdogan regime’s war against the Kurds
HDP has published international voices and statements against the war of the Erdogan regime against the Kurds in Northeast Syria and Northern Iraq since November 19. -
RiseUp4Rojava: "Day X" is today
In light of Turkey's attacks on the Kurdish areas of Syria and Iraq, the #RiseUp4Rojava campaign has declared "Day X". -
Kurdish Solidarity Collective condemns Turkish bombardments of Kobanê
The Kurdish Solidarity Collective expressed outrage at the indiscriminate killing of civilians and the bombardment of critical infrastructure in Iraq and Rojava. These bombardments are part of Turkey’s ongoing violation of international law. -
Red Party in Norway condemns Turkey's brutal attack on Kurdish areas in Syria and Iraq
The Red Party in Norway condemns NATO country Turkey's brutal attack on Kurdish areas in Syria and Iraq. -
Rojava Committees project videos on the Turkish Embassy in Stockholm
The Rojava Committees projected videos on the Turkish Embassy in Stockholm. -
104 intellectuals call for an end to attacks on Rojava and South Kurdistan
Arab and Kurdish intellectuals called on international law organizations and the Arab League to stop the invading Turkish state's attacks on North and East Syria and South Kurdistan. -
Pro-Sovereignty Trade Unions condemn new bombings of Kurdistan by Turkey and Iran
The Trade Unions and Trade Unionist Pro-sovereignty Forum condemned the new bombings of Kurdistan by Turkey and Iran . -
Popular resistance continues in Iran and East Kurdistan
As the mass anti-government protests have been continuing in Iran and East Kurdistan since the murder of Mahsa Amini on September 16, attacks on many cities of East Kurdistan have recently escalated. -
S&D: Violating international law is unacceptable
The Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats (S&D) submitted a motion to condemn the Turkish state's invasion attacks to the European Parliament. -
German Left Party demands a clear condemnation of Turkish attacks
The federal committee and the state executive of the Left Party in Baden-Württemberg demand a clear condemnation of Turkey's attacks on Syria and Iraq, which violate international law, by the German Foreign Ministry. -
Swedish Left Party: Turkish attack targets those who defended us against ISIS
“If ISIS does come back one day, we’ll see what the consequences of the Swedish government's so-called renunciation from those that defended the world against ISIS will be,” said the Left Party. -
Unidas Podemos presents questions to Spanish Congress about Turkish attacks in Rojava
Unidas Podemos-En Comú Podem-Galicia En Común presented questions to Spanish Congress about Turkish attacks in Rojava. -
Basque municipality of Durango expresses its solidarity with the Kurdish people
The Basque municipality of Durango, twinned with Kobane, held an online meeting with the co-mayor of Kobane and the Kobane region municipalities co-president. -
52 Kurdish institutions announce action plan against the Treaty of Lausanne
52 Kurdish political parties and institutions announced their action plan against the Treaty of Lausanne. -
French Communist Party: Turkish regime resorts to barbaric actions to achieve its criminal goals
The French Communist Party condemned the invading Turkish state’s attacks against Rojava. -
ARCDEM organises protest in front of Turkish Embassy in Washington
ARCDEM (American Rojava Centre for Democracy) is organizing a protest in front of the Embassy of Turkey in Washington today. -
Rifondazione Comunista condemns Turkish aggression of Rojava
Rifondazione Comunista – European Left, national coordination of the Popular Union called on “the Italian government and the European Union to condemn the Turkish aggression and demand the immediate cessation of the Turkish attacks.”