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Green Left Party volunteers in Duisburg open propaganda stand
Green Left Party volunteers living in Duisburg opened propaganda stands and called on everyone to vote. -
Green Left Party Marseille Election Coordination holds last meeting in the city
The Green Left Party Marseille Election Coordination held a meeting to bring people living in the city to the polling stations. -
Hatip Dicle urges voters abroad to go to the polls
Kurdish politician Hatip Dicle said that votes cast abroad would affect the number of deputies, and urged people to go to the polls to vote for the Green Left Party. -
European Coordination of the Green Left Party mobilises all forces
In the final spurt of Turkey’s election abroad, the European Coordination of the Green Left Party is once again mobilising all its forces to support registered voters in reaching the polls. -
51 years ago the execution of revolutionaries Deniz Gezmiş, Yusuf Aslan and Huseyin Inan
51 years ago, on 6 May 1972, Deniz Gezmiş, Yusuf Aslan and Huseyin Inan were hanged in Ankara. -
KCK: Turkey is at a crossroads and there must be a radical change of mentality
As the Turkish Gladio has entered the electoral process in Turkey with the Islamist party Hüda-Par, KCK says that Turkey is at an important crossroads and there must be a radical change of mentality. -
Ferac: The key to a solution to the Kurdish question is on Imrali
Writer and journalist Letîf Fatîh Ferac spoke against the isolation imposed on Kurdish leader Abdullah Öcalan, saying, “The solution to the Kurdish question lies neither in Washington, nor in Paris, nor in Ankara. The key to the solution is in Imrali.” -
Asrın Law Office demands contact with Öcalan amid rumours of alleged talks on Imrali
Ahead of the May 14 election in Turkey, there is speculation about alleged talks with Abdullah Öcalan on the prison island of Imrali. The Asrin Law Office considers the rumours to be manipulation and demands immediate contact with their client. -
Hunergeha Welat releases song to support the Green Left Party
Hunergeha Welat prepared a song called 'Deng Bidin' to support the Green Left Party. -
Green Left Party activist beaten by racists in Edirne undergoes 3-hour surgery
Sare Ay, 55, who was attacked by a racist group in Edirne, underwent 3-hour surgery. -
Police take 9 people into custody in Dersim, Hatay and Istanbul
At least 9 people, including journalist Ertan Çıta, were taken into custody in a police operation against Partizan supporters. -
Solidarity night with Amedspor in Marseille
After the increasing racist attacks against Amedspor, a solidarity night was held in Marseille with the anti-fascist and Amedspor Barikat group. -
Akın: A vote for the Green Left Party means a vote for a new future
Green Left Party deputy co-spokesperson Ibrahim Akın told ANF that a vote for the Green Left Party would be decisive for Turkey's equal, free and democratic future. -
Preparation for the election rally to be held in Batman on 7 May continues
Preparation for the rally to be held at the 8 March Women's Park in Batman on 7 May continued. Women distributed leaflets at their ‘Purple stand’ calling on people to attend the rally. -
Çelik: It is our duty to send a high number of deputies from the Green Left Party to Parliament
HDP Izmir Provincial co-chair Berna Çelik said: "It is our duty to send the Green Left Party to the Parliament." -
Families apply to visit their relatives on Imrali
The families of Kurdish people's leader Abdullah Öcalan and the other prisoners on Imrali applied to the Bursa Chief Public Prosecutor's Office and the Imrali Prison Directorate for a meeting with their relatives. -
Protest against the detention of Kenan Ayaz in Cyprus
A demonstration took place in Nicosia against the extradition of Kenan Ayaz to Germany. The Kurdish activist in Cyprus custody went on an indefinite hunger strike on May 4. -
German Greens: Turkey’s elections offer a chance to restore democracy
The Green Party, one of the government allies in Germany, made a statement on the May 14 elections in Turkey and said that "Turkey, which has been under Erdogan's authoritarian rule for years, has a great chance to restore democracy and the rule of law." -
HDP: 295 people were taken into custody in a month as the government seeks provocation
HDP Law and Human Rights Commission Co-Spokesperson Nuray Özdoğan said that 295 people were detained and 61 were imprisoned in a month as the government is seeking provocation. -
Kevana Zerin calls for support for Green Left Party
Kevana Zerin artists called for support for the Green Left Party in the 14 May elections. -
Police beat people protesting the killing of street musician Aymaz
After the racist murder of the Kurdish street musician Cihan Aymaz in Istanbul, protesters were arrested by the police and mistreated at the police station. -
Danish deputy Sondergaard not allowed to be an observer at Turkish elections
Danish lawmaker Soren Sondergaard was prevented from being an observer at the 14 May elections in Turkey. -
Dersim Construction Congress delegation meets Swiss Socialist Party
A delegation of three people from the Dersim Construction Congress met with Swiss Socialist Party officials to discuss the massacre, which happened 86 years ago. -
Protest in Stockholm: “We must not allow Erdoğan's laws to be introduced in Sweden”
The Swedish parliament has agreed to tighten the country's anti-terror law. Oppositionists and intellectuals see this as genuflecting to Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and pandering to his anti-Kurdish agenda. -
Kongra Star expresses support for Green Left Party
“The 21st century is the century of women’s freedom,” said Kongra Star Aleppo Coordination, expressing solidarity with women fighting for democracy and defeat of the AKP-MHP regime in Turkey.