Fever controls in Kurdish districts of Aleppo

In the Kurdish districts of Şêxmeqsûd and Eşrefiyê in the northern Syrian Governorate of Aleppo, the local health committee carries out fever measurements against the coronavirus pandemic.

At the entrances to the Kurdish districts Sheikh Maqsoud (Şêxmeqsûd) and Ashrafiyah (Eşrefiyê) in the northern Syrian Governorate of Aleppo, fever measurements have been routinely carried out on arriving residents since the weekend. This is to prevent the introduction of the coronavirus pandemic. At all three city entrances, which mark the border between the self-governed areas and regime areas in Aleppo, several checkpoints have been set up especially for preventive measures. Mobile teams of the local health committees are in continuous operation to identify suspected cases of corona.

In coordination with the local authority, the population is also informed about symptoms, the course of the disease and ways of protecting themselves against infection with the coronavirus. Information material is also distributed.

No corona infections in the autonomous region so far

In the autonomous region, no corona infections are known to date, but there are also no separate testing facilities. The only equipment necessary for the evaluation of samples was located in Serêkaniyê (Ras al-Ain) and has not been operational since the Turkish occupation last October. Samples must therefore be sent to Damascus and forwarded to the World Health Organization (WHO). It takes at least one week for the samples to be evaluated. So far, four test results have been obtained which have turned out negative.