Turkey's water war targets agriculture in northern Syria

Turkey has opened its dam hatches and flooded thousands of hectares of land in Girê Spî. Farmers from Girê Spî declare that this is the form of war that is targeted against agriculture.

Alongside the military attacks on North and East Syria, Turkish dams play a major role in the war against the self-administered region. In recent weeks, Turkey has opened up dams and flooded and destroyed 4,000 hectares of planted arable land. Previously, the Turkish army had systematically laid out field fires and destroyed the crop, now acts of targeted floods are employed.

Agriculture is the region's main source of income, and many people draw their subsistence from agriculture in the region which is under an embargo from all sides.

"We can't plant"

Farmer Mahmud Mihemed Ismail from the Girê Spî region said, if this is continued, then thousands of hectares of land will not be possibly planted anymore. Besides, huge areas of planted fields are flooded and sometimes destroyed. He appealed to the international community to stop this practice against international law.

"There's a water war going on"

Ibrahim al-Hasun from the village of Til Ehder near Girê Spî said that more than 200 hectares of planted land located around the Sûsikê river was flooded after Turkey opened its dam hatches.

Turkey is waging a dirty war, he explains: “The current water war is directed against the main source of income of the region, the agriculture. Turkey has been targeting the region's farmers, children, animals, agricultural machinery, schools and everything else.”