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AvEG-Kon says Turkey carried out crime against humanity in Maxmur
AvEG-Kon condemned the attack on Maxmur Camp and said: "While the world is dealing with a pandemic, the Turkish state is committing a crime against humanity against the Kurdish people." -
Peace in Kurdistan Campaign: Political prisoners must be released
Peace in Kurdistan Campaign has issued a statement demanding the release of political prisoners in Turkey to try and avoid the spreading of coronavirus in jails. -
Coronavirus: 74,193 infected, 1,643 dead in Turkey
1,643 people have died of Covid-19 in Turkey where 74,193 cases have been recorded. -
HDP: Turkey targets the dignified stance of Maxmur people
The history of the people in Maxmur Camp is a society that, despite all difficulties, is committed to its dignity and identity. This is the reason for the deadly aerial attack on the refugee camp, says the HDP. -
Iraqi Army: Ankara should be ready to account for Maxmur attack
The spokesman for the Iraqi army and head of the National Wisdom Movement in Iraq condemned the Turkish attack that killed three civilians in Maxmur yesterday. -
Grup Yorum member Gökçek: We have no other way than resisting
İbrahim Gökçek, a member of Group Yorum, who has been on death fast for 304 days, said that there is no other way than resist and called on people to play their part. -
Revenge Units claim responsibility for attacks in Amed
Martyr Elişêr Konya, Martyr Zîn Amara Revenge Units claimed responsibility for a series of actions. -
CÎK condemns Turkish attack on Maxmur that killed three women
While the world is trying to deal and overcome the coronavirus outbreak, the Turkish state continues to target Kurds, said CIK. -
KCDK-E condemns the attack on Maxmur by the Turkish state
Maxmur Camp is a place where 12 thousand women, children and elderly civilians live under UN supervision. -
Turkey: Death toll from Coronavirus rises to 1,518
1,518 people have died of Covid-19 in Turkey where 69,392 cases have been recorded. -
Kurdish Cultural Centre in Bonn attacked
The attack caused material damage. -
MEPs: Law on prisoners in Turkey is “a great disappointment"
Turkish ruling parties have decided to “deliberately expose the lives of those whom they consider political opponents to the risk of the deadly COVID 19”, warn MEPs. -
Are Covid-19 deaths concealed in Turkey?
Every day, the Turkish authorities publish similar figures on deaths caused by the viral disease Covid-19. The true extent of the pandemic and the responsibility of the AKP/MHP government are being concealed. -
LNA Spokesman: Militiamen sent to Libya are Erdoğan’s victims
The spokesman of the Libyan National Army, Ahmed al-Mismari, describes the "Roj Peshmerga" sent to Libya by Erdoğan as victims of Erdoğan’s politics. -
CDK-F calls on people to join the 'Twin Family' campaign
The campaign will be carried out by "the 17 community centers, women's councils and belief institutions throughout France." -
AKP has money for a palace and a prison, not for the people
The AKP-MHP government has been collecting money from the people while continuing to put millions of Turkish lira into the building of a palace and a prison in Kurdish provinces. -
COVID-19 best fought in Israel and Germany, Turkey ranks 36th
According to a Deep Knowledge Group report, Israel ranks first and Germany second in the list of countries that best fight against coronavirus. Turkey ranks 36 of the 40 countries examined. -
Sinn Féin President says she is recovering from coronavirus
Sinn Féin President said: "Thanks to everyone who has asked after me and sent good wishes. There is much work to be done - Ireland must change for the better." -
Stêrk TV goes live today to promote the 'Twin Family' campaign
Stêrk TV will be broadcasting live today at 6 pm (Europe time) as part of the initiatives for the 'Twin Family' campaign launched to help families affected by the coronavirus pandemic. -
Two little Kurdish children thank doctors fighting COVID-19
We thank all doctors, nurses and all employees in the health sector. We thank you for your efforts and we wish you success, said the two children. -
Asrın Law Office appeals against refusal of access to Imralı
The applications submitted by the Asrin Law Office for a meeting with the Imrali prisoners in connection with the Corona pandemic have been rejected. Lawyer Raziye Turgut explains that the decision is not legally tenable. -
Coronavirus: 65,111 infected, 1,403 dead in Turkey
According to official figures, 1,403 people have died of Covid-19 in Turkey where 65,111 cases have been recorded. -
KON-MED calls for participation in the twin family campaign
The Kurdish umbrella organisation KON-MED calls for strong participation in the twin family campaign of Heyva Sor a Kurdistanê, so that needy families in Kurdistan can survive the Corona pandemic. -
HDP MP Bülbül says the government reached highest horror
HDP Deputy Kemal Bülbül underlined that sending the remains of Agit Ipek to his family by post is the highest point of evil. -
Turkey sends mercenaries trained in Hewlêr to Libya
According to the Khalifa Haftar forces in Libya, the Turkish state is sending mercenary groups from South Kurdistan to Libya.