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Explosion in Hatay
1 soldier died and 2 people including a civilian got injured during an explosion near the Çevlik port of Hatay’s Samandağ district. -
50 thousand signatures collected for Erdoğan's trial in the ICC
The petition signed by 50 thousand people who demand Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan be tried in the International Criminal Court has ended with a rally in front of the UN building. -
KCK calls upon Kurdish people to rise up everywhere to claim their will
KCK Executive Council Co-Presidency said Kurdish people should rise up everywhere and say "Hands off my will" against the removal of immunities of their representatives. -
Institutions in Europe call for resistance against the coup in Turkey
A number of unions, associations and parties led by the HDK-A (Peoples' Democratic Congress – Europe) called upon the people to take to the streets in protest at the coup staged by Erdoğan's Palaca against the will of the people. -
Danish parties call on the EU to withdraw support from Erdoğan's policies
As Turkey's lifting of MP immunities continues to draw reactions from across the country and abroad, yet another criticism has come from an initiative formed by Danish parties Enhedslisten, Socialistiske Folkeparti and Alternativet. -
Turkey's lifting of MP immunities worries the EU states as well
The coup staged by Turkish President Erdoğan and his AKP on the immunities of parliamentarians worries also the EU member states that sustain visa-free negotiations with Turkey in return for the deal on refugees. -
Demirtaş: None of our MPs will go to court voluntarily to testify
HDP co-chair Selahattin Demirtaş underlined that; “None of our colleagues will accept the request of prosecutors and courts to testify. Nobody should expect us to accept this coup which imposes an open dictatorship." -
HDP co-chair Yüksekdağ: Struggle is beginning for us just now
HDP co-chair Yüksekdağ stressed that the AKP/Palace regime didn't recognize the will manifested on June 7, adding; "The final scene of this pro-coup politics has been played in the parliament." -
HDP calls for struggle against the lifting of immunities
The proposal for the removal of parliamentary immunities has been accepted with 376 votes in favor, 140 against, 5 abstention, 7 blank and 3 invalid. -
Second article also passed with 374 votes in favor
The second article in the Constitutional amendment proposal to lift parliamentary immunities passed with 374 votes in favor and 136 against. -
Swedish politicians: Attack on HDP is an attack on democracy
Swedish Left Party Leader Sjöstedt reacted to the elimination attempt on HDP and called for solidarity. Left Party MP Fornavre and Environmental Party Greens MP Amin condemned the genocidal attacks in Kurdistan. -
New summaries of proceedings against 8 MPs
New summaries of proceedings against 8 MPs has been submitted to the parliament while the “coup” proposal was being voted on. -
First article passed with 373 votes in favor
The first article in the Constitutional amendment proposal to lift parliamentary immunities passed with 373 votes in favor and 138 against. -
Second round of discussions on immunity issue start
The second round of discussions on the Constitutional amendment proposed by AKP to lift the parliamentary immunities have started. -
“Hands off my deputy” rally in Austria
Democratic Union of Forces held a rally in Austrian capital Vienna with the slogan “Hands off the will of the people, hands off my deputy”. -
Revolutionary youth and women initiatives founded for ‘Revenge’
Revolutionary Youth Initiative and Revolutionary Women Initiative were founded with the slogan of ‘Revenge’ -
Erdoğan’s new puppet is Binali Yıldırım
Binali Yıldırım has been nominated as the only candidate to replace the recently removed Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu. -
Demo in Hildesheim for the relocation of the UN Summit in Istanbul
The Democratic Kurdish Society Center Foreign Relations Commission held a demo in Germany’s Hildesheim city. -
TAF admits the helicopter was downed after the footage came to light
Although the HPG footage had already come to light, the TAF took a week to admit that a helicopter was downed by HPG members in Hakkari’s Çukurca district on May 13. -
The explosion in Diyarbakır and some questions awaiting answers...
The succession of events and the villagers’ statements to the press show that the state’s game is to have the villagers catch the guerillas in the truck dead or alive, and conducting a PR and perception operation over it. -
1st round of voting on the constitutional amendment proposal completed
The parliament has finished voting on the first and second articles of the constitutional amendment proposal. -
HPG claims responsibility for the sabotage action in Istanbul
HPG claimed responsibility for the action that hit a military target in Istanbul on May 12. -
PYD Representative meets Russian FM Lavrov in Vienna
Rojava's PYD (Democratic Union Party) Representative in France Xalid Îsa and Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov met in Austria's capital Vienna yesterday. -
MEPs call on TBMM members to not support the lifting of immunities
Members of the European Parliament have signed a joint declaration calling upon members of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey not to support the recent amendment on the lifting of the legislative immunity of 129 members of parliament out of 550. -
Kurds in Europe say “Hands off our will”
Kurds holding demonstrations in Berlin, Brussels, Den Haag and Helsinki protested AKP’s attacks on HDP with the slogan, “Hands off our will”.