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DEM Party Women's Assembly: Women will lead the anti-war struggle
DEM Party Women's Assembly announced the final declaration of the meeting held on 20 October where they discussed the political struggle for the new period. -
Iran sentences Kurdish political prisoners to additional jail time
Pakshan Azizi and Warisha Moradi, who refused to attend the court session, were sentenced to an additional six months’ imprisonment for “disturbing the prison order” in Evin Prison. -
Increasing repression against women prisoners in Iran
As the crackdown on journalists, activists and political prisoners in Iran continues, hundreds of people signed a joint letter calling for a halt to the prison sentences given to journalists Niloufar Hamedi and Elaheh Mohammadi. -
Warisha Moradi’s health deteriorating on day 12 of hunger strike
Warisha Moradi, who has been imprisoned in Evin prison in the Iranian capital Tehran for more than 14 months, has been on hunger strike for 12 days. -
Avesta Têkoşîn, a pioneering YJA Star militant
Guerrilla Avesta Têkoşîn, who fought resolutely against the enemy's attacks until her last breath, took her place in the struggle for freedom as a pioneering YJA Star militant with her belief in victory. -
Women's Platform calls on everyone to meet at Tünel Square on 25 November
The 25 November Women's Platform called on everyone to meet at "Tünel Square on 25 November." -
Armenian women fight for a democratic Syria
The Armenian Women's Union fights for the active participation of women in all areas of life. Anahit Kasabiyan said that the Armenian community living in Northern and Eastern Syria will establish a political party led by women. -
The story of Arab guerrilla Dîrok extending from Til Hemis to Xakurkê
Dîrok Cûdî, from a Mihelmî family in Til Hemis in North-East Syria, fought for 7 years in the mountains of Kurdistan, where she arrived in 2017, and fell a martyr in Xakurkê on 24 July. -
Peace Mothers in Sine go on hunger strike in solidarity with Warisha Moradi
Peace Mothers in Sine (Sanandaj) started a hunger strike in solidarity with the resistance of Kurdish activist Warisha Moradi in Iranian prison. -
"Coffee JIN", a Mardin municipal project to promote women’s participation in public life
A café run by women has opened in the province of Mardin, which is governed by the DEM party. "Coffee JIN" is a municipal project to promote women’s participation in public life. -
Kongra Star calls on women to express solidarity with Warisha Moradi
The Rojava Women’s Movement, Kongra Star, issued a statement addressed to women calling for solidarity with Warisha Moradi. -
Mother of slain protester Nîka Shakremî detained in Iran
The mother of Nîka Shakremî, who was murdered during the ‘Jin, Jiyan, Azadî’ protests in Iran, was detained. -
Bar Association on Rojin Kabaiş's death: There was negligence, we were excluded from the process
The Van Bar Association said in a statement regarding the death of Rojin Kabaiş, that there were numerous negligences and that the prosecutor's office excluded NGOs from the ATK process. -
Families of Hevrin Xelef and Nadiya Al-Xeshan awarded
At the 3rd Congress of the Women’s General Assembly of the Future of Syria Party, awards were presented to the families of Martyr Hevrin Xelef and Martyr Nadiya Al-Xeshan. -
Women stage a silent march for Rojin Kabaiş in Amed
Women in Amed staged a silent march for Rojin Kabaiş, whose lifeless body was found 18 days after her disappearance, vowing to continue their struggle until the perpetrators are found. -
Warisha Moradi on day 6 of indefinite hunger strike in Evin Prison
Kurdish activist Warisha Moradi, who is in Tehran's Evin prison, went on an indefinite hunger strike on 10 October on World Day against the Death Penalty to protest against the death penalty in Iran and her own prolonged detention. -
Pakshan Azizi not allowed to meet with her family and lawyers for 100 days
The Campaign for Freedom for Pakshan Azizi stated that the Kurdish journalist, who is imprisoned in Iran's Evin Prison, has not been allowed to meet with her family and lawyers for 100 days. -
Body of 21-year-old Rojin found on the bank of Lake Van
After a search lasting several weeks, the body of 21-year-old student Rojin Kabaiş was found on the bank of Lake Van. Her family, who live in Amed, are convinced that suicide was not an option for her. -
Kurdish language teacher sentenced to three months in prison in Iran
A Kurdish language teacher for 17 years in Bukan and nearby villages, Susan Hassanzadeh has been repeatedly summoned and interrogated by the security services in recent years for her activism. -
5 years in prison for two female journalists who reported on the killing of Jina Mahsa Amini
Niloufar Hamedi and Elaheh Mohammadi, who reported on the killing of Jina Mahsa Amini by Iranian police in 2022, were sentenced to up to 5 years in prison. -
Internationalist women march for Abdullah Öcalan in Turin
Italian women marched in Turin as part of the ‘Freedom for Abdullah Öcalan, a Political Solution to the Kurdish Question’ campaign. -
KJAR calls for solidarity with Warisha Moradi on indefinite hunger strike in Evin Prison
KJAR calls on activist women, resistance fighters, pro-freedom communities, national and international organisations and institutions to support Kurdish political activist Warisha Moradi on indefinite hunger strike in Iran's Evin Prison. -
Warisha Moradi:I won't go to court in protest against the death sentences handed down to my comrades
Kurdish political prisoner Warisha Moradi began an indefinite hunger strike 10 October on World Day against the Death Penalty to protest against the death penalty in Iran and her own prolonged detention. -
Music video by Jineolojî committees in Europe: ‘Truth is love, love is free life’
Members of the Jineolojî committees in Europe released a multilingual music video entitled ‘Truth is love, love is free life’. The lyrics are made up of quotes from Abdullah Öcalan. -
Kongra Star commemorates Hevrîn Xelef and Mother Eqîde murdered in 2019
Kongra Star Coordination commemorated Hevrîn Xelef and Mother Eqîde, who were murdered in October 2019.