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HDP Vice Co-chair Baluken formally arrested once again
HDP Vice Co-chair and Amed MP İdris Baluken who was detained during discharge from an Ankara hospital earlier today, has been formally arrested. -
HDP Co-chair Demirtaş sentenced to 5 months in prison
Following the cancellation of the Parliament membership of HDP (Peoples' Democratic Party) Co-chair Figen Yüksekdağ, HDP Co-chair Selahattin Demirtaş has been sentenced to 5 months in prison. -
Attacks in Xerabê Bava carried out by an AKP team
The siege in Xerabê Bava (Koruköy) village in Mardin's Nusaybin district, ongoing for 12 days and a complete substitute to the practices of 90s, is executed under the leadership of Bornova 2nd Gendarmerie Commando Brigade. -
HDP Co-chair Yüksekdağ stripped of parliament membership
HDP Co-chair Figen Yüksekdağ has been stripped of parliament membership on the grounds of a final court verdict. -
People of Sebah al-Xêr: The arrival of SDF is like Eid for us
The people of Sebah al-Xêr greeted the SDF by saying “We were dead up to now, your arrival is like Eid for us.” -
Ahmet Türk in the Parliament: Violence cannot silence freedom
Ahmet Türk spoke in HDP’s group meeting and said: “Violence cannot silence the demand for freedom. The Middle East can’t be free until the Kurds are free.” -
HDP's Baluken detained during discharge from hospital
HDP vice co-chair and Amed MP İdris Baluken who was released from prison on January 30 after three months imprisonment, has been taken into custody. -
Kuwaytar village in eastern Raqqa liberated
Wrath of Euphrates fighters advancing towards Raqqa through the Mekmen front have liberated the village of Kuwaytar. -
12 civilians massacred by Turkish army in al-Bab
The Turkish army that has invaded the Shehba region under the guise of fight against ISIS has committed yet another massacre in al-Bab, killing 12 civilians, largely from same families. -
'Freedom for Öcalan' vigil in Strasbourg in its 244th week
The Freedom for Öcalan Vigil in front of the Council of Europe building in Strasbourg, France, that began on June 25, 2012, is in its 244th week. -
Adman village liberated in the Operation Wrath of Euphrates
Wrath of Euphrates fighters advancing on the eastern front of Raqqa have liberated the village of Adman from ISIS. -
HDP appeals to the ECHR for jailed Co-chairs of the party
An application has been filed with the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) regarding the continuing unlawful imprisonment of HDP Co-chairs Selahattin Demirtaş and Figen Yüksekdağ. -
Another village liberated in the Operation Wrath of Euphrates
Wrath of Euphrates fighters have cleansed another village of ISIS groups in the ongoing military campaign to liberate Raqqa. -
3 ISIS members captured alive in the Operation Wrath of Euphrates
Wrath of Euphrates fighters have liberated a Syriatel base station from ISIS and captured 3 gang members alive. -
HDP issues urgent call to international organisations for Xerabê Bava
HDP issued an urgent call to international organisations for Nusaybin's Xerabê Bava village, where critical rights violations are taking place and communications have been cut for the past 10 days. -
One village liberated, three others besieged by SDF near Raqqa
Operation Wrath of Euphrates fighters have liberated one village and besieged 3 others near the Raqqa province under ISIS occupation. -
Two more villages liberated in the Operation Wrath of Euphrates
Wrath of Euphrates fighters advancing towards Raqqa on the third front through Mekmen-Raqqa road have liberate two more villages after an advance of 20 kilometers. -
SDF fighter: We promise our people to protect them everywhere
The second step in the third phase of the Operation Wrath of Euphrates continues on its 4th day. Fighters advancing towards Raqqa from three fronts have liberated six villages and numerous locals from ISIS. -
3 villages in southern Mosul liberated from ISIS
Iraqi forces liberated 3 villages during their operation to liberate southern Mosul from ISIS gang groups. -
Kurds in Gothenburg march for the freedom of Öcalan
People of Kurdistan living in Gothenburg, Sweden marched for the freedom of Kurdish People's Leader Abdullah Öcalan. -
Operation launched to liberate western Mosul
Iraqi Prime Minister Haydar al-Abadi announced the beginning of the operation to liberate western Mosul. -
Turkish Prime Minister protested in Oberhausen
Hundreds protested Turkish Prime Minister Binali Yıldırım who held a rally in Oberhausen, Germany today. -
Sihêwan village liberated in the Operation Wrath of Euphrates
Wrath of Euphrates fighters have liberated the village of Sihêwan Saturday afternoon. -
Germany arrests a Kurdish patriot in Frankfurt
The wave of arrests against the Kurds living in Germany continues. -
Rojava delegation continues official talks in Moscow
The Rojava delegation in Moscow met with Sergey Mironov, Head of the party 'A Just Russia'.