Latest News
Youth spray walls of jihadist association supported by Germany
The DITIB is the extended arm of the Turkish religious authority Diyanet and one of the most powerful representatives of the AKP regime in Germany with almost 900 mosques. -
Kurdish activist murdered in Sweden
A young man from Southern Kurdistan, Northern Iraq is reported to have been killed in Sweden. -
Call for participation in actions against the PKK ban in Germany
KON-MED called for participation in the actions to be held on Saturday to call for an end to the ban of the PKK in Germany, which is now 27 years long. -
Lawyers apply to visit Abdullah Öcalan
Lawyers of Kurdish people's leader Abdullah Öcalan today applied to Bursa Chief Public Prosecutor's Office for a visit with their client. -
Court acquits police officer who murdered Kemal Kurkut
Police Y.Ş. was acquitted in the trial about the murder of Kemal Kurkut. -
What's happening in South Kurdistan?
As part of the series of interviews sponsored by Peace in Kurdistan Campaign, Connor Hayes speaks to Nilüfer Koç on Kurdish Unity and the Global War in the Middle East -
Left Party demands Sweden to apologise to Kurds for Palme murder
The Left Party asked Sweden to apologize to the Kurds, which it wrongly accused of killing Olof Palme in 1986. -
‘Freedom for Öcalan’ banners in France
The banners and posters campaign to protest the isolation of Abdullah Öcalan continues throughout Europe. -
Iraq executes 21 men convicted of ‘terrorism’
Iraq ranks fifth among countries that carry out death sentences, according to Amnesty International, which documented 100 executions in the country in 2019. -
Armenia’s Foreign Minister resigns
Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan’s government has faced a popular backlash over the ceasefire accord that ended six weeks of fighting, with thousands of protesters last week demanding he resign. -
Signature campaign against death penalty for Er and Dağ
Abdurrahman Er and Mazlum Dağ were sentenced to death in February 2020 are accused of the killing of the Turkish vice consul Osman Köse in the autonomous region of Iraqi Kurdistan on 17 July 2019 in Hewler. -
‘Freedom for Öcalan’ banners in Helsinki
The banners and posters campaign to protest the isolation of Abdullah Öcalan continues throughout Europe. -
Ten people taken into custody in Özalp
Ten people were detained in the political genocide operations carried out in Özalp in the morning. -
Young activists in Marseille demand freedom for Abdullah Öcalan
Revolutionary Youth Movement (Tevgera Ciwanên Şoreşger-TCŞ) activists in Marseille demanded freedom for Abdullah Öcalan. -
Syrian Foreign Minister Walid al-Moallem dies aged 79
Syrian Foreign Minister Walid al-Moallem died on Monday. -
Slovenia wants to extradite Kurdish man to Turkey
Slovenia wants to extradite to Turkey a Kurdish patriot who was arrested last June. -
United Youth Council: We march together
In Istanbul, four youth organizations have joined together to form a joint council under the motto "For our freedom - against fascism: We march together.” -
Some 800 Turkish-backed mercenaries killed in Libya and Karabakh
More than 789 Ankara-backed Syrian fighters were killed in the battles of Libya and Nagorno-Karabakh, of whom 496 were killed in Libya and 293 in Karabakh, while hundreds of them were injured or contact was lost with them. -
Pilingên Kurdistanê claims action against Elbistan Police station
Pilingên Kurdistanê claimed action against Elbistan Police Headquarters on 7 November. -
HDP Pazarcık Provincial co-chair Naci Kızıler sent to prison
HDP Pazarcık Provincial co-chair Naci Kızıler, who was taken into custody on 13 November, was remanded in custody on the allegation of "being a member of a terrorist organization". -
Netherlands call for EU arms embargo against Turkey
The four governing parties in the Netherlands have called for an EU-wide arms embargo against Turkey. Foreign Minister Stef Blok is seeking support for an arms embargo against the NATO ally within the European Union. -
Tension grows in Western Sahara
Morocco on Friday sent a military offensive to the Guerguerat area to put an end to the demonstration of Saharawi civilians. -
Former co-mayors of Derik sentenced to prison
The Turkish regime’s political genocide operations against the Kurdish people and their elected representatives continues unabated. -
Police take 5 people into custody in Amed
Five people, including Sur Municipality co-mayor Cemal Özdemir, who was usurped by the AKP-MHP, were detained. -
Families apply to Prosecutor to be granted visit to Imrali
Families of Abdullah Öcalan and three other political prisoners in Imralı island prison applied once again to be granted a visit.