Latest News
‘We will not allow the ISIS gangs to carry out a massacre’
‘We will not allow the ISIS gangs to carry out a massacre’ -
Shots fired at police control point
Shots fired at police control point -
500 weeks in search of justice
500 weeks in search of justice -
Three specialist sergeants reported killed in Yüksekova
Three specialist sergeants reported killed in Yüksekova -
Peshmerga forces start operation to liberate Zumar
Peshmerga forces start operation to liberate Zumar -
KCK: AKP's Rojava policy has collapsed
KCK: AKP's Rojava policy has collapsed -
Fighting in Kobanê continues on the 40th day
Fighting in Kobanê continues on the 40th day -
Ebdo: We are ready for alliances that will contribute to a democratic Syria
Ebdo: We are ready for alliances that will contribute to a democratic Syria -
ISIS gangs suffer heavy blows in Iraq
ISIS gangs suffer heavy blows in Iraq -
Jelpke: Kurdish women in the vanguard in the Middle East
Jelpke: Kurdish women in the vanguard in the Middle East -
Access to Medresat hill at Kobanê border banned
Access to Medresat hill at Kobanê border banned -
Iran executes young woman victim of male violence
Iran executes young woman victim of male violence -
27 gang members killed in ambush in Kobanê
27 gang members killed in ambush in Kobanê -
PYD launches international campaign for Kobanê
PYD launches international campaign for Kobanê -
Bodies of 6 YPG-YPJ fighters brought to Urfa
Bodies of 6 YPG-YPJ fighters brought to Urfa -
Worldwide solidarity with Saturday Mothers on the 500th week
Worldwide solidarity with Saturday Mothers on the 500th week -
House raids in Bregenz: 5 Kurds taken into custody
House raids in Bregenz: 5 Kurds taken into custody -
Citizen from Kobanê beaten and taken into custody
Citizen from Kobanê beaten and taken into custody -
67 year old YPG fighter at the frontline
67 year old YPG fighter at the frontline -
Protester wounded in Kobanê protests in Siirt dies
Protester wounded in Kobanê protests in Siirt dies -
Muslim: Victory is close in Kobanê
Muslim: Victory is close in Kobanê -
AI: Detention of Kobanê refugees must be investigated
AI: Detention of Kobanê refugees must be investigated -
European Left going to Kobanê border
European Left going to Kobanê border -
Democratic life in tent cities in Suruç
Democratic life in tent cities in Suruç -
Bianet intern killed in clashes in Kobanê
Bianet intern killed in clashes in Kobanê