Latest News

14:34 ROJAVA-SYRIA 33 political parties and organisations: Damascus-Ankara rapprochement will deepen the crisis
13:55 KURDISTAN Residents call for emergency aid as Turkey bombs a village in Duhok countryside
13:13 FEATURES Erdoğan continues to dig graves for Kurds
12:02 NEWS Activists from Frankfurt am Main take over Freedom for Abdullah Öcalan Vigil in Strasbourg
11:13 KURDISTAN HPG: Gerillas carried out several actions in Zap, Metîna and Heftanîn
10:34 HUMAN RIGHTS Iranian state won't allow Zeinab Jalalian any medical treatment unless she signs letter of 'regret'
09:55 FREEDOM OF THE PRESS RTÜK revokes license of independent radio station Açık Radyo
09:12 WOMEN Men killed at least 34 women in Turkey in June
08:33 CULTURE Great interest in the concert dedicated to Abdullah Öcalan in Bologna
07:49 FEATURES Nerîman Evdikê: We need more literary critics
19:02 NEWS Activists on vigil in front of the UN for 41 months appeal to international organisations
18:21 FREEDOM OF THE PRESS Eight Kurdish journalists sentenced to six years and three months in prison each
17:35 KURDISTAN 6-day 'Respect for the Will March' from Van to Hakkari kicks off
16:37 KURDISTAN KCK: Turkey deploys ISIS mercenaries to embattled regions in southern Kurdistan
15:44 NEWS Isolation of Öcalan discussed at the UN: Human Rights Council must act
14:06 WOMEN Amnesty International: Kurdistan Region’s authorities failing survivors of domestic violence
13:24 NEWS KCK calls for solidarity with all Syrian peoples against racist attacks in Turkey
12:02 ROJAVA-SYRIA Turkey and its mercenaries carried out 31 attacks on Northern and Eastern Syria in June
11:13 NEWS Mıhçı: Racist attacks are the consequences of war policies
10:34 HUMAN RIGHTS Protest by prisoners demanding freedom for Abdullah Öcalan reaches day 220
09:55 KURDISTAN HPG pays tribute to guerrilla Onur Artos
09:12 ROJAVA-SYRIA SDF fighter dies in mine explosion
08:33 CULTURE New cinema Amude in Rojava is a necessary dream, let's rebuild it together
07:50 FEATURES Nerîman Evdikê: The real literature of this revolution will emerge
18:27 NEWS Hamas says death toll in Gaza Strip has reached 38,000
17:52 ROJAVA-SYRIA MSD calls on Syrians to organise a national congress for liberation
17:00 ROJAVA-SYRIA TEV-DEM calls on Syrian forces to stand in solidarity and rise up against Turkey’s corrupt policies
16:22 ROJAVA-SYRIA SOHR: 30 Syrians were killed and injured in gunfire by Turkish forces in northern Syria
15:12 KURDISTAN Turkish army attacked guerrillas 129 times with chemical weapons and banned explosive bombs in June
14:36 WOMEN MSD Co-chair: National strategy enhances women’s role in decision-making
13:58 NEWS Turkish sergeants who sexually assaulted minors in Çukurca set free
13:24 NEWS Two lawyers detained in Istanbul
12:49 NEWS Pogrom against Syrians: Racist attacks spread across Turkey
12:02 KURDISTAN PUK spokesperson Pîre: Ugly scenarios are attempt of postponing elections
11:13 KURDISTAN People taking part in the "Respect the Will March" off to Batman
10:34 FEATURES KCK: The common struggle of the peoples stands against every massacre
09:55 KURDISTAN HPG publishes balance sheet for June
09:12 ROJAVA-SYRIA The Turkish state kidnaps at least 40 people in Afrin in a month
08:33 FEATURES 31 years ago, the Madımak massacre
07:49 FEATURES Zilar Stêrk: Zîlan's action was a turning point
19:27 KURDISTAN KCK: Iraqi Interior Ministry is spreading slander and manipulation
18:00 HUMAN RIGHTS Report on human rights violations in Rojhilat in June
17:28 NEWS 10 defendants sentenced to aggravated life imprisonment in Ankara Massacre Case
16:47 HUMAN RIGHTS Isolation of Öcalan to be discussed at UN Human Rights Council
16:05 KURDISTAN DEM Party Councillors prevented from entering the usurped Hakkari Municipality
15:31 WOMEN 19th Zilan Women's Festival held in London
14:22 KURDISTAN PKK Youth Committee calls on the youth of Kurdistan to claim their 'historical responsibilities’
13:26 KURDISTAN Turkish airstrike starts a fire on Mount Metina in South Kurdistan
12:51 KURDISTAN KNK: Turkish occupation escalates long-term war with regional and global implications
12:02 KURDISTAN "Security wall" between South Kurdistan and Rojhilat turned into military forbidden zone