Latest News

09:55 NEWS Polls open in Iran to elect Raisi’s successor
09:12 ROJAVA-SYRIA Traditional beekeeping in clay hives in Rojava
08:33 CULTURE Sakine Cansız Women's Festival will take place on 30 June in Zurich
07:49 FEATURES Karasu: The struggle of the Kurdish people is also a struggle to democratize Turkey
19:48 ROJAVA-SYRIA 700 books by Abdullah Öcalan distributed in Raqqa
19:07 NEWS Temelli: There is unprecedented torture in İmralı
18:23 KURDISTAN CPT: Turkey deployed 300 military tanks in South Kurdistan
17:56 KURDISTAN Iranian law enforcement forces raid home, kill 18-year-old girl in Nurabad
17:01 KURDISTAN Women in the fire-devastated area: Who will answer for this disaster?
16:27 HUMAN RIGHTS Prisoner Er's release postponed for the 3rd time for rejecting the imposition of 'remorse'
15:43 KURDISTAN Tevgera Azadi calls on Kurdish, Arab and all other peoples to stand up against Turkish occupation
15:02 HUMAN RIGHTS Political prisoner Şefik Esen dies in hospital
14:18 NEWS Iranian presidential elections: Two candidates withdraw
13:32 NEWS Kurdish imams already on trial face a new investigation
12:59 KURDISTAN Fire in Nusaybin countryside threatens 14 villages
12:02 KURDISTAN HPG pays tribute to Commander Bêrîtan Nûrhak Çiya
11:13 NEWS 5,890 letters sent to the CPT from Switzerland
10:34 KURDISTAN Four HPG guerrillas fall as martyrs in Beytüşşebap
09:55 ECOLOGY Village guards cut down trees in Beytüşşebap
09:12 NEWS Coup attempt in Bolivia foiled, says president
08:33 FEATURES Portrait of Comrade Karker, from Sinop, Albanian and Apoist
07:49 FEATURES Karasu: Kurdish people must heal the wounds of the fire with unity and solidarity
19:12 NEWS ‘Dialogue with Öcalan’ event in Kenya
18:36 NEWS Death toll in anti-government protests in Kenya rises to 22
17:58 NEWS Leyla Güven sends a letter to embassies, calling for action for a solution to the Kurdish question
17:05 KURDISTAN Turkish fighter jets bomb the countryside of Duhok
16:42 FEATURES Turkish occupation is the source of problems in Syria
16:00 KURDISTAN Election date finally set in South Kurdistan
15:24 KURDISTAN KCK: South Kurdistan and Iraq must rise up against Turkish occupation
14:49 ROJAVA-SYRIA Bishop of the Cizire and Euphrates Church: Abdullah Öcalan has built a bridge of peace for everyone
14:06 NEWS Lebanon: 435 people were killed in the war between Israel and Hezbollah
13:34 NEWS 13 killed in anti-government demonstrations in Kenya
12:53 NEWS ‘Dialogue with Öcalan’ event in Indonesia
12:02 KURDISTAN Bielefeld Initiative for Peace and Hope in Kurdistan opens playgrounds for kids in Shengal
11:13 NEWS Pınar Sakık Tekin : Even in disasters there is discrimination
10:34 ROJAVA-SYRIA "Ferhad Şiblî Academy" opens in Raqqa
09:55 NEWS Former HDP MP Hüda Kaya released from prison after first hearing of second Kobanê trial
09:12 CULTURE New book tells the story of singer Ayşe Şan
08:33 ECOLOGY Ecologists in fire-devastated area: Those who destroy our nature must be held accountable
07:50 ROJAVA-SYRIA Xelîl: The Turkish state supports the Islamic State, but not the project of the democratic nation
19:19 HUMAN RIGHTS IHD presents solution proposals for refugees in Turkey
18:37 KURDISTAN Turkish military build-up on Amediyê border in southern Kurdistan
17:52 WOMEN Amal Rojava: A story of bravery in the YPJ
17:00 NEWS Dossier on the isolation of Abdullah Öcalan presented to Amnesty International in London
16:04 ROJAVA-SYRIA Cizîrê Canton Yazidi House: We will do whatever it takes to ensure the freedom of Öcalan
15:29 KURDISTAN Viyan Mazlum, a guerrilla from Afrin: I took this path to be worthy of my people and my land
14:46 NEWS First hearing of the 'Second Kobanê Case' starts
14:10 NEWS International press conference in Strasbourg calls for urgent action for Öcalan
12:02 KURDISTAN HPG pays tribute to guerrillas Berxwedan Qehreman and Ezîz Gabar
11:13 NEWS Mauro Palma sends open letter to the CPT