Latest News
Constitutional Court abolishes provision against religious weddings
The Turkish Constitutional Court has annulled the provision in the Turkish Penal Code (TPC) that is used to prosecute those who carry out and officiate at religious wedding ceremonies prior to the official wedding ceremony, which is compulsory. -
Demirtaş: May all Turkey be like Kazlıçeşme
HDP Co-president Selahattin Demirtaş spoke at an election rally in Istanbul's Kazlıçeşme district, criticising the government for polarising Turkey prior to the elections. -
İmralı delegation offers condolences to FARC and Colombian people
The İmralı delegation has offered condolences for 26 guerrillas and negotiator Jairo Martinez who were killed in a bombardment launched by the Colombian army in Cauca region of the country on 21 May. -
Hanging HDP election banner treated as crime
While the HDP pursues its election campaign with the party’s own means without receiving any subsidy from the state, unlike the other parties, even hanging HDP flags is being treated as a crime. -
Turkish soldiers raid Kurdish villages ahead of elections
The pressure of soldiers, which has been going on for a while, on local people in Erciş district of Van, has now spread to villages as well. -
French Green Party: Vote for HDP
The French Europe Ecology and Green Party (EELV) has stated it is supporting the Greens in Turkey and the Left Future Party, and called for people to vote for the HDP. -
AKP asks Roboski families for votes
The AKP has sent letters to the families of Roboski victims, asking them to vote for the party at the 7 June elections. -
ÖGC: Persecution of journalists increases prior to election
The Free Journalists' Association (ÖGC) has issued a statement saying there are still 23 journalists in prison in Turkey, adding that repression of the press is continuing and that women journalists in particular have been targeted recently. -
What Erdoğan said ‘food supply’ turned out to be guns
Turkish daily Cumhuriyet released footage on the guns that MIT (Turkish Intelligence Agency) transported from Turkey into Syria. The newspaper is now under investigation for charges of “terrorism”. -
Racist attacks against HDP members in Erzurum and İzmir
Attacks by fascist groups against HDP members and candidates have increased ahead of elections in Turkey and North Kurdistan. -
Aid collected in Spain delivered to Sinjar and Kobanê
The second phase of an aid campaign launched by Kurdish people and Committee of Solidarity with Rojava in the Spanish capital Madrid, has been completed. -
255 members of AKP Siirt branch resign before the rally tomorrow
255 members of the AKP branch in Siirt have resigned from the party before the AKP rally to take place tomorrow with the participation of Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu. -
Attacks on HDP in Ankara and Eskişehir
While the support for People’s Democratic Party (HDP) is growing ahead of the 7 June general election, attacks on the election offices and the members of the party also continue increasing in the last days. -
FARC Commander Roman Ruiz killed in army bombing raid
Operations of the Colombian military forces in an attempt to exterminate the FARC guerrilla forces have increased in the last weeks as clear results could not be achieved from the peace negotiations. -
10-year-old shot in the eye by police in Yüksekova
Police in Yüksekova attacked the youths protesting the visit of Turkish president Erdoğan and Prime Minister Davutoğlu yesterday -
Demirtaş: We will be in Kazlıçeşme on 30 May
HDP (Peoples' Democratic Party) Co-President Selahattin Demirtaş stated that they will be holding the banned “Great Humanity” rally in Kazlıçeşme district of Istanbul on 30 May. -
District election board bans HDP rally in Istanbul
Zeytinburnu District Election Board has denied permission for the HDP (Peoples' Democratic Party) rally set to take place in Kazlıçeşme district of Istanbul on 30 May. -
Kurdistan Political Groups call for international observers to elections
The Joint Diplomatic Committee of Kurdistan Political Groups have called for international observers to the election process in Turkey in order to ensure a fair and democratic election. -
'AKP confiscated large amounts of money collected for refugees'
Sıtkı Dursun, responsible for refugee work of the AKP-run Urfa Metropolitan Municipality, has been removed from his position and exiled to another institution as he criticised AKP’s policies towards refugees from Kobanê. -
Kurdish people travel to Oslo in groups to vote for HDP
The voting period for the general elections in Turkey started in Norway on Friday 22 May. -
Police sent by air to Şırnak
As the elections near, hundreds of riot police and special teams have been sent to Şırnak by air. -
Turkish nationalists who tortured 2 Kurdish students released
Four Turkish fascists who forcibly abducted two Kurdish students and tortured them were released by a prosecutor yesterday, and not remanded in custody. -
Voting in Cologne in its 17th day
The voting for the upcoming general election in Turkey is continuing in Cologne in its 17th day. Voting commenced on 8 May and is to end on 31st. -
All members of AKP’s Varto branch resign and join HDP
The AKP’s Varto branch executives as well as the members, youth and women commissions, comprising 60 people, have resigned from the party and joined the HDP at a ceremony held in front of the HDP’s election office. -
PYD holds public meeting in Cologne
The PYD’s European Office held a public meeting yesterday in Cologne in the Democratic Kurdish Society Centre with the participation of Kurdish people from Rojava.