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09:12 NEWS KCK commemorates 33 Suruç dream travelers: Let's grow the united struggle
08:33 KURDISTAN Nine years ago the Suruç Massacre
07:50 FEATURES Besê Hozat: We reject using President Öcalan as a bargaining chip
18:54 NEWS Activists celebrate the anniversary of Rojava Revolution in Bologna
18:19 NEWS Selahattin Demirtas sentenced to 2 years and 6 months in prison
17:40 FEATURES Sozdar Dêrik: A revolution based on the people cannot be defeated
16:26 NEWS Ten more tribal leaders in Iraq speak out against Turkish invasion
15:23 KURDISTAN KDP makes an agreement with the Iraqi Turkmen Front in Kirkuk
14:42 ROJAVA-SYRIA Autonomous Administration: Our people will achieve the building of a democratic Syria
14:01 NEWS DEM Party: It is the fundamental responsibility of all of us to protect the Rojava Revolution
13:32 ROJAVA-SYRIA 7 killed, 4 wounded in HRE actions in Bab region
12:54 ROJAVA-SYRIA KCK: We salute the Revolution of Rojava and value the ongoing discussions in Syria
12:02 NEWS Activists in Marseille will today celebrate 12th anniversary of the Rojava Revolution
11:13 KURDISTAN Turkey continues military shipment to Şêladize and bombing of Biradost
10:34 FREEDOM OF THE PRESS Journalist Topaloğlu deported to Marmara Prison
09:55 ROJAVA-SYRIA YPG General Command celebrates 12th anniversary of the Rojava Revolution
09:12 HUMAN RIGHTS IHD: Nearly 4 thousand rights violations in North Kurdistan in 6 months
08:33 KURDISTAN HPG: Four military vehicles destroyed by guerrillas
07:50 FEATURES 12 years ago, the Rojava Revolution
19:12 ROJAVA-SYRIA 224 Self-Defense fighters graduate in al-Mansoura
18:39 ROJAVA-SYRIA SDF captures an ISIS member near Raqqa
18:00 NEWS Turkey fails to answer questions on İmralı isolation at UN session
17:14 ROJAVA-SYRIA Three more civilians kidnapped in Turkish-occupied Afrin
16:33 KURDISTAN Tribal leaders in Iraq call for action to “stop Turkey’s crimes against humanity”
15:28 KURDISTAN Zenûbiya Women's Community calls for action against Turkish occupation
14:03 NEWS A Turkish torturer at the UN Committee against Torture sessions
13:27 KURDISTAN MLKP: We will resist occupation and defend the lands of Kurdistan
12:48 NEWS Prison sentences for 24 Kurdish politicians upheld
12:01 FEATURES Hamdiye Abdullah: Mala Jin (Women’s House) is a central pillar of the Autonomous Administration
11:13 ROJAVA-SYRIA People in Amûdê protest Turkish attacks
10:34 KURDISTAN Turkish drone kills a civilian in Şêladize - UPDATE
09:55 HUMAN RIGHTS Lawyer Bilmez: The Ministry is lying, they are trying to deny isolation
09:12 FEATURES Internationalist Commune releases a series of videos about the Rojava Revolution
08:33 ROJAVA-SYRIA Work on Women’s Social Contract continues
07:50 FEATURES Sozdar Avesta: The freedom guerrilla wages great resistance against Turkish occupation
19:12 NEWS Appeal to the CoE, CPT and ECtHR: Don't be a partner in the crime of isolation
18:03 KURDISTAN KNK delegation’s talks in South Kurdistan continue
17:29 NEWS Turkey's response to the UN: There is no isolation in İmralı, but a ban on visits
16:30 FEATURES Turkish invasion is doomed to fail
15:46 ROJAVA-SYRIA ISIS cell dismantled in al-Suar
14:55 ROJAVA-SYRIA TEV-DEM calls for revolutionary people's war against occupation and isolation
14:21 HUMAN RIGHTS UN asks for Turkey's defence on İmralı isolation
13:37 KURDISTAN PKK calls for unity against the KDP's collaborative betrayal
12:02 WOMEN No news for over a month from KJAR member Warishe Muradi
11:13 NEWS Activists in Berlin protest Imrali isolation
10:34 KURDISTAN Turkish Sikorsky army helicopter shot down at Girê Bahar
09:55 FEATURES Hozat: We won't make our leader an item in any negotiation!
09:12 KURDISTAN HPG pays tribute to guerrillas Ekin Amanos and Herekol Şiyar
08:33 KURDISTAN Community Peacemakers Teams publishes one-month balance of Turkish attacks on South Kurdistan
07:50 FEATURES Gülistan Murad: Communal economy strengthens women's self-defense