Latest News
Two civilians killed in missile strike on Kobanê
Two civilians killed in missile strike on Kobanê -
ISIS launches missile strike on Kobanê - FLASH
ISIS launches missile strike on Kobanê - FLASH -
HRW: Authoritarian drift threatens rights in Turkey
HRW: Authoritarian drift threatens rights in Turkey -
Kobanê commander: We have the initiative
Kobanê commander: We have the initiative -
Soldiers and police attack people at border vigil
Soldiers and police attack people at border vigil -
Vigil in the villages of Siwêdê and Boydê
Vigil in the villages of Siwêdê and Boydê -
Kurds in the UK to go on hunger strike against ISIS
Kurds in the UK to go on hunger strike against ISIS -
Return to Kobanê gaining momentum
Return to Kobanê gaining momentum -
3 youths taken into custody in Ergani
3 youths taken into custody in Ergani -
Kurds initiate sit-in and hunger strike in front of Council of Europe
Kurds initiate sit-in and hunger strike in front of Council of Europe -
YPG repulse ISIS attacks on the eastern front of Kobanê
YPG repulse ISIS attacks on the eastern front of Kobanê -
ISIS gangs attack Suruç villages
ISIS gangs attack Suruç villages -
Fate of thousands of Yezidi women uncertain
Fate of thousands of Yezidi women uncertain -
18 gang members killed, 15 wounded in Sinjar
18 gang members killed, 15 wounded in Sinjar -
HPG: Two soldiers wounded in clashes in Erzurum
HPG: Two soldiers wounded in clashes in Erzurum -
26 gang members killed in Kobanê
26 gang members killed in Kobanê -
Sit-down protest at Kobanê border
Sit-down protest at Kobanê border -
YPG: 74 gang members killed in Jazaa-Rabia-Sinjar region
YPG: 74 gang members killed in Jazaa-Rabia-Sinjar region -
2 people wounded in ISIS attacks die
2 people wounded in ISIS attacks die -
Father and 2 sons defending Kobanê on 3 fronts
Father and 2 sons defending Kobanê on 3 fronts -
Resistance vigil at Kobanê border continues
Resistance vigil at Kobanê border continues -
Clashes on three fronts in Kobanê
Clashes on three fronts in Kobanê -
A thousand people protest in Bordeaux
A thousand people protest in Bordeaux -
Meeting with PKK Leader Öcalan postponed
Meeting with PKK Leader Öcalan postponed -
Wounded people from Kobanê treated in Suruç
Wounded people from Kobanê treated in Suruç